Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Can't drill the bottom...

OK so I planned on this post being all about how I got a freezer hooked up a thermo regulator, drilled a few holes and bam! Had a insta kegarator, well my plans got foiled in a few resepects.

I had planned on going through the compressor compartment... which was to tight for a drill bit and I couldn't gurantee that I wouldn't hit the compressor and not break something when I broke through. And on top of that how do you explain to lowes the 4 or 5 holes in a freezer when you bring it back?


So for the time being in true do it yourself fashion, I've duct taped the thermo lead to the inside of the freezer and put the CO2 tank and keg in there.

When I actually get around to doing holes I will take pictures...

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