Monday, November 06, 2006

All good things

All good things start someplace... this good thing starts here.

So if your a regular reader of my normal drivel you know that I have two loves in life. Beer and Linux.

I've always been interested in one way or another with home brewing and finally got a true lesson in it's "mysterious" ways not long ago. It was enough to push me over the edge and actually try it out.

With the research I've done so far I'm finding A LOT similarities between home brewing and the same kind of learning curve I faced with Linux. Lots of info all over the place you just have sort it all out and figure out what works best for you.

So with that I christen this blog "Beer Obits" get it... it's a "Beer Obituary" OK maybe that is just me and my humor talking there.

I'm sure I will update this blog every so often but not nearly as often as my other one.

Stay tuned I'm sure many bad batches of beer will ensue.

1 comment:

A.L.O said...

Well sorry my friend but I will not be able to help you with this one, but good luck with the brew.