Thursday, February 08, 2007

The first review... Fat Tire Amber Ale

Brewery: New Belgium Fort Collins Colorado

Type: Ale

From the Website: "Fat Tire’s depth of flavor, achieved with neither a disproportionate sway toward hops or malts, tandems well with a full spectrum of today’s engaging cuisines. Salmon, dry-aged cheeses, roasted chilies, omelets at midnight, sweet potato French fries and just about anything with grill marks or garlic are just a few of the edibles we like to partner up with our Amber Ale."

My Take: Fat Tire is one of my favorite beers. I'm starting with this beer since I know it better then I know most any other beer. It's a Belgium Style influenced Ale, but it lacks the bite of other Belgian style ales. To someone who is not used to drinking Fat Tire they would probably be struck at how strong the flavor truly is.

Whoops... Looks like I kinda forgot...

Whoa... Looks like someone kind of forgot they started a beer brewing blog.

I still want to chronicle my home brewing "experiences" but, I haven't really had a chance to try it out and honestly I've been focused on other things.

I have been having a hankering to write about beer though. I don't know why I just do. So while I'm waiting to bring myself out of my self induced beer brewing funk. I will share with you the reader the beers that I love here in the desert's of Arizona.

Everything from large Macro brews (Coors, Bud, Miller) to local craft brews (Oak Creek, Four Peaks, Cavecreek).

Honestly this is just a excuse for me to go out and buy every beer I can and report back on it.